Dell XPS 13 and XPS 15 narrow and light laptops had been indexed on Amazon India and could be launching soon. Even though the Amazon page does no longer mention a release date, the two laptops may also arrive in India on July 8 because the employer has sent out invitations for a virtual event on Wednesday wherein it'll unveil “The XPS enjoy”. This indicates that the 2 laptops, which have been spotted on Amazon, could be launched on the occasion. It will be the first virtual launch event for Dell. The Amazon web page for the Dell XPS 13 and XPS 15 2020 models shares a few information about the laptops but no launch date. The clicking invite from Dell stocks a launch date for XPS laptops however no information at the laptops themselves. Placing the 2 collectively, it's miles likely that the Dell XPS 13 and the XPS 15 might be released in India on July 8 at the event so that you can begin at 11:30am. Dell Dell XPS 13 and XPS 15: charge (predicted) While Dell has not shared pricing...