Call of duty Black Ops: cold warfare has been formally announced with a teaser published on YouTube referred to as “understand Your history”. The short two-minute video sets up the backdrop for the imminent recreation with clips from an old interview of KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov caution the united states about a soviet undercover agent that has infiltrated the country The trailer states that the game is “inspired by using real activities”. The game will be found out international on August 26 as the brand new entrant in the call of duty Black Ops franchise. Activision, the writer for call of duty franchise, has been teasing the imminent recreation through Easter eggs in call of duty: Warzone and now it has finally announced the name thru a brief teaser. At the same time as the video posted on YouTube form the professional call of duty account does no longer screen a whole lot about the game itself, it builds up its premise with clips from an interview from 1984 of KGB defector...