The frequency of seismic activity or earthquakes in India has vastly expanded over the last couple of years. The price of setting up the infrastructure for earthquake warning structures is quite high. And because of this, Google is leveraging the big Android userbase to come across seismic activity and build an alert machine round it. Google’s cutting-edge task is dubbed the “Android Earthquake indicators system” and it'll turn your Android phone right into a mini seismometer. You'll be among one of the thousands and thousands of mini seismometers (Android customers) on the way to help build and higher the “largest earthquake detection community,” as per the agency’s blog put up. How will your Android phone act as a seismometer, you ask? Nicely, you might already realize that nearly each Android phone these days comes baked with an accelerometer. This sensor “can sense alerts that indicate an earthquake might be happening.” If the accelerometer aboard your smartphone detect...