OnePlus Nord has now in brief been teased to launch in India on July 21. The Amazon India teaser page fleetingly indexed the launch date of the OnePlus Nord before taking it down. The teaser web page listed the AR launch invite of the OnePlus Nord revealing that the event would be held in augmented reality. OnePlus is understood to have off-beat launches, and the OnePlus Nord launch may want to see a different experience as nicely. Nord is stated to be priced under $500 and be powered via the Snapdragon 765G SoC.
The Amazon India teaser page, which has now been taken down, in short listed the OnePlus Nord launch details. The photographs within the list confirmed the AR launch Invite for the OnePlus Nord. The list study that the launch turned into “made to be experienced 21st of July” and it also supplied a hyperlink to the occasion landing web page. This hyperlink isn't always live but. It's miles unclear how OnePlus plans to drag off an AR event, information of that are expected to be shared in the direction of launch. The list also discovered that the physical AR invites have been of the same size as the OnePlus Nord. The now eliminated list was first spotted by way of TechRadar. Even as OnePlus has made no reputable bulletins regarding the OnePlus Nord launch, this Amazon slip-up appears to signify that unveil is not too a long way. The corporation has already confirmed the name of the device, after a number of misleading with teasers. The telephone is likewise confirmed to be powered by using the Snapdragon 765G processor and be released in India and Europe markets for now.
Co-founder Carl Pei has showed that the OnePlus Nord may not launch within the US for now, but destiny phones in the same line can be launched there. Although this Amazon slip-up is every other deliberate tactic to mislead people, the OnePlus Nord should probably see an reputable unveil earlier than this month ends.
A latest video teaser shed a few mild at the design of the OnePlus Nord as well. It was spotted with multiple rear cameras at the back – all aligned in one line and positioned on the pinnacle left corner. Up the front, the OnePlus Nord seems to have a twin selfie camera setup. We are able to assume OnePlus to growth the hype because the release date nears.
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