Realme 6i can also debut in India alongside the Realme C11 — on Tuesday, July 14. At the same time as Realme hasn't but furnished any information about the Realme 6i, Flipkart on Friday in brief confirmed off the launch info of the new Realme phone through its mobile app. The Realme 6i is touted to return underneath the Rs. 15,000 price segment. It is predicted to be the rebranded model of the Realme 6s that turned into released in Europe again in may. But, a Realme 6i model additionally arrived in Myanmar in March with a wonderful listing of specs over what has been revealed on Flipkart and recently surfaced on a leaked picture.
Flipkart posted an picture of the Realme 6i launch on the home display screen of its mobile app, The photo carried a text that reads, “Realme 6i Flipkart's maximum effective Mid-rangers beneath 15k.” This shows that the new phone is about to arrive in the country at a price tag of beneath Rs. 15,000. Further, the image highlighted July 14 as the release date of the brand new smartphone.
Flipkart created a microsite for the Realme 6i to reveal a number of its key specs. That picture confirmed a MediaTek Helio G90T SoC and a 90Hz display. The phone also seems to have a punch-hole display layout and a quad rear camera setup.
Flipkart seems to have removed the listing of the Realme 6i rapidly after it changed into said on Twitter. We have been not able to affirm the listing on the app. But, the launch is likely to still be inside the area, along the Realme C11.
Closing week, the Realme 6i alleged poster surfaced online that hinted at its impending launch in India. That poster also featured an picture of the brand new Realme phone that seemed much like the only showcased by using Flipkart.
To reiterate, the Realme 6i model that appears to be coming in India is unlike its authentic model that became released in Myanmar in advance this year — as a rebadged Realme Narzo 10. It's miles, instead, appears to be a rebranding of the Realme 6s that debuted in Europe. The Realme 6s became released at EUR 199 (roughly Rs. 16,900) and has a 6.5-inch FHD+ hole-punch display and a MediaTek Helio G90T SoC. The phone also has 4GB RAM, 64GB expandable storage, and a 4,300mAh battery.
We will need to wait until July 14 to get information about the Realme 6i in India. In the meantime, it's miles secure to assume a few teasers revealing its debut within the united states of america getting launched by using Realme.
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